Implemented cluster model in cluster_model.{cpp,h}
. Implemented synthetic data generation in synthetic.{cpp,h}
. Working on initial model estimation using k-means.
Description: After estimating 'A', also estimate the noise scale, epsilon
(assumed 1.0 until now).
Method: Project data onto 'A' in data space, take mean projection error (see kjb_c::project_rows_onto_basis).
Using known epsilon: 0.5
Training error: -45.3955
Prediction error: -46.5
Estimating epsilon: 0.46192
Training error: -45.7958
Prediction error: -47.1319
Discussion: in the ballpark!
Description: Iteratively estimate three clusters and assign memebership.
Issues: third cluster initialization is identical to second. Guess: it's picking the same bad point over and over.
Description: Like Run #2, but each cluster has an individual observation model
Posted by Kyle Simek